суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.

kate winslet hair 2011

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    THere are two articles on the home page right now: one about Verizon iPhones not selling as well as thought, and one on the Verizon iPhone surge causing Android US market share to slip.

    So the news is that they are simultaneously doing better and worse than anticipated?

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  • MichalM.Mac
    May 3, 08:12 AM
    (Apple called it 5750) : 2010 iMac


    2011 iMac


    Interesting :-)

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  • MacGeek1993
    Apr 22, 04:28 PM
    I'm not sure on the credibility of OP's image. Apple has been all about making products thin and less bulky, but in reality, there is such thing as "too thin"

    I own a 4th Gen iPod touch and it has a case with a rubber gasket surrounding the surface. This exact case, in fact: http://bit.ly/eqT0XA

    I tried using it w/o the case once and I thought I was going to drop it most of the time, mainly because there isn't a lot of room to hold on. With the rubber around the case, it allows for more grip, while adding thickness to the device.

    On the subject of the home button, the home button on my iPod touch sometimes does not respond. I think the home button on the new iPhone should be touch sensitive, but keep the design per OP's image.

    I know it may seem like I am comparing apples and oranges, but It's the truth. Sometimes you need thickness on a device so you can hold it.

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  • ghostlines
    Apr 1, 09:06 AM
    C'mon Apple keep it professional and unified. Man they should stick to working on the user experience and internals, not goofy color schemes and such. OS X already looks cool they don't need to make it look kiddy now!:eek:


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  • rkdiddy
    Mar 11, 11:56 AM
    Line at Brea Mall is to Macy's, probably about 150-200 people here.

    Any idea how fast these lines move? This'll be the first time I've camped out for a product.

    Wow, that is pretty crazy. I didn't think there would be long lines like this. :rolleyes:

    Once the line starts moving, it should move fairly quickly. All hands will be on deck at Apple and hopefully people have figured out which version they're purchasing in line.

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  • trip1ex
    May 3, 09:10 AM
    Caution: Specs don't mention IPS panel like with previous models. You never know.

    Ok I see IPS mentioned under Features/Screen Appeal.


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  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 12:16 PM
    Amazon is poised to pwn both Apple and Google on that one.

    If MobileMe is any indication, Apple just doesn't get cloud - if they plan on charging for it, Amazon is happy to take their business - they'll sell you plain mp3s for the boot!

    Android wins (http://www.androidcentral.com/nielsen-android-americas-most-wanted-platform) in any case!

    and amazon is getting sued :D. aka, will start to charge customers more to recoup the costs.

    Also, enjoy playing your amazon cloud on any apple device.

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  • cloud 9
    Dec 3, 10:12 AM
    This is the summary from that page...

    I looked over his code analysis and I agree with his conclusion about it not being possible to corrupt memory (hence not possible to inject code). So it is at worst a denial of service type attack.

    merci beaucoup for you explanation and gnasher you too :)


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  • beebler
    Apr 14, 11:06 AM
    iPhone 5 will be announced in September along with the iPad 3, which is also planned for that time. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed the iPad 3 back a little though.

    100% sure the iPhone 5 will not be out this summer.

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  • trunten
    Nov 20, 05:14 PM
    You both need to calm down. One of you wants flash, the other could do without. We get it.

    And by the way Apple is under no obligation to offer you Flash or anything else for that matter, you knew before your purchase that Safari would never support Flash, consider yourself fortunate that Skyfire exists.

    On topic, I wonder if the ipad app will be any different? Perhaps they can embed the video in the website so it takes the place of the original flash content?


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 09:44 AM
    It's interesting how many people blast Apple. They completely retooled the smart phone/mobile phone platform.

    Who's blasting Apple ? This shouldn't be an emotional discussion about the history of both corporations, this is about a specific case/cases. As such it should be rooted in facts and objective commentary, not in some subjective tangeant ranting like you went on.

    Granted some of Samsung's phone are worse than others.

    Blatant copying.

    The copying isn't so blatant, and it's highly model dependant. Some biased Apple media is making it look worse than it is with cherry picked images. Here's a post where I clear up the muddied waters a bit :

    Depends on which model. The AT&T/Rogers Galaxy S Captivate hardly ressembles the iPhone :


    I'm also hard-pressed to see how the Nexus S comes even close :


    Let's not even go there with the Epic 4G :


    Yet they are all included in the complaint...

    And here's one about the famous Icon grid :

    I'd say even the icon grid claim is reaching. The pictures shown all show the Android application drawer. The actual home screen on Galaxy S devices, what shows up after unlocking, is not the icon grid with a dock. You have to dig into the phone to get to the grid of icons, which frankly again has been shown to be a pretty standard phone UI. Older Palm/Sony models had the "icon grid" UIs in their phones also. :


    Let's face it, the "icon grid" has been a UI for quite a while now :


    To claim "Blatant copying" at this point is only to get eat whatever the media is feeding you. The courts will decide how much Samsung does or doesn't infringe on Apple's various trademarks and the trade dress claims.

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  • ridley182
    Apr 21, 10:23 PM
    "...to ensure our continued innovation..."

    Ripping-off other companies' UI's is "innovation" now?

    Samsung is such a pathetic company. They make nice TVs but still pathetic.


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  • Legion93
    May 1, 10:23 PM
    Killed by US forces ... Excellent news

    Are you sure it wasn't UK forces who eliminated him? Either way, you gotta say "he was killed by allied forces".

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  • SingaporeStu
    Feb 13, 09:29 PM
    Doesn't this guy have a wife and children?

    This article about self control was published in the local paper today.


    Well, he was married to Denise Richards and has a kid or 2 with her, if I'm not mistaken. She thought she could change him� Guess she thought wrong� Whatever happened to her anyway? I always thought she was cute...


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  • gh0sted
    Jul 12, 09:34 PM
    One other thing according to the Harris poll, Apple broke the top 10 in brand confidence this year and Microsoft fell out of the top 10. People usually go with a company they trust (for what ever reason).


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  • Blakjack
    Apr 29, 02:56 PM
    Amazon knows something that we dont


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  • vvebster
    Nov 8, 10:40 AM
    I'd like to receive an iPhone 3gs 16gb White for Christmas and a ticket to watch the "mighty red" Ottawa Senators :)

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  • ptysell
    Apr 28, 01:57 PM
    Obviously Google has the same opinion as other Android fans... marketshare is king.

    Although... in the business world... cash is king.

    Congratulations Google... you now have a lot of marketshare. What are you gonna do with it?

    Oh yeah... you're an advertising company. I forgot!

    And thats just it.

    Google hasn't found a way to capitalizes on its smart phone market share.

    So even if they get 75% of the market and Apple keeps its 25%, in terms of revenue Apple is still going to "win".

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  • Queso
    Jul 25, 11:26 AM
    What if he is?
    Then good for him, but if he's that much of a power user, he's looking at a redesign of the PowerMac case, not a mini-tower.

    Point is that there ARE lots of people who like to expand their systems.
    Yeah, lots of gamers. But they aren't going to buy Macs anyway are they?

    To them, iMac is completely unsuitable, and PowerMac is simply too much (too much space, too much technology, too much money, you name it). There have been LOTS of people saying that they would love to see a relatively inexpensive Mac that is expandable. iMac is not that. Neither is PowerMac.
    You want a huge selection of models, each one suited to your particular needs? Apple tried the multiple models approach back in the 90s and nearly went bankrupt as a result. Keeping the range small means they have tight control on inventory and can dedicate the Apple Stores to showing what Macs can do. So far it's brought the company a lot of money.

    What happens if the screen in the iMac breaks down? The whole computer becomes useless. What if you need faster vid-card? you have to buy a new computer. All-in-one has it's benefits, but it has it's drawbacks, and there are lots of people who do not want those drawbacks.
    You may as well throw these criticisms at laptops. However, they sell. Apple mini-towers traditionally don't.

    Yes, minitower (for example) has it's drawbacks as well, but there are lots of people who would be willing to accept those drawback for the benefits such a system offers.
    But obviously not enough from the studies Apple have conducted, otherwise where is it?

    Well good for you. How that helps ME is beyond me.
    Just showing how the iMac does have "desirability" for hundreds of thousands of real buyers, something some posters here seem to refute.

    Are we using somekind of miniature-desks or something? I have a rather typical desk, and it currently has a Mac Mini, a TFT-screen, old, huge printer that does not work, and it still has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and other items.
    Yeah, I used to have one of those, then I realised how much wasted space it was causing and ditched it for a smaller one. You obviously live in a bigger place than me, but then for me it's location, location, location :)

    And that "small metallic box" means that your iMac loses that all-in-one elegance it now has.
    I don't care about "all-in-one elegance". I didn't buy an iMac because it matches the curtains. I just want something that takes up minimum space. The iMac does that perfectly.

    Some of us would be willing to accept that. A minitower would consume about as much desk-space as two Mac Mini's. That's more than reasonable IMO.
    But only SOME of you. Why aren't Apple releasing a mini-tower? Jobs' arrogance or because they don't think it'll sell in enough quantity to justify it? As for two Mac minis, the case would have to be a standard depth to fit standard parts, otherwise we're back in the realm of special Mac versions of hardware.

    Let's wait and see what comes out at WWDC. The G5 case had to be enormous for cooling reasons. The MacPro might be a lot smaller, fitting your requirements much closer whilst keeping Apple's range in check.

    Oct 24, 09:33 AM
    I do not have a practical answer for you, but I had a similar question when I was upgrading the HD in my powerbook - I wanted the fastest drive I could afford as this would give my PB the biggest performance boost. What I found out is that the 160GB 5400 perpendicular drives have about 90-95% the performance throughput of a non-perpendicular 7200 drive. The reason being that because the bit are perpendicular, the drive needs to rotate a shorter amount to read the same amount of data. I know at the microscopic size of the data on the drives this seems hard to believe, but logically, it makes sense to me. My PB is a screamer by comparison to the 4200 drive that was in there, which has not bearing to your question of course...

    I suspect, that the 5400 160GB drive from Apple will have decent performance. Personally, I'm not impressed with the 4200 200GB offering, but for someone who needs more space and ultimate performance is not key, then this would be fine.

    That all being said, I look forward to finding out the specs & models of the actual drives Apple is putting in the new MBP's before I'd put money down on one.


    thanks for the info! sounds like the 5400 160gb drive is the one for me... :)

    May 3, 07:58 AM
    I hope I'm not the only one disappointed that you see an i7 in 3 out of the 4 MBPs, but i7 is only available for an extra $180 in the iMac.

    The i5 2400 costs $150 @ MicroCenter, and that's the processor they use in the $2000 iMac!!! This is why people say Macs are overpriced (and they most certainly are). That having been said, I'll be buying an MBA or MBP 13 soon enough.

    Apr 23, 08:55 PM
    Indeed, there have been reports saying that the return rate of the Thunderbolt is quite high due to this very issue.

    I was considering going over to verizon for it but ill just stay on Tmo and get the Samsung galaxy s2

    Oct 21, 04:50 AM
    That is WAY cooler than our Christmas tradition. :o

    I kind of have everything I want, so I guess I want me and my girlfriend to be happy for another year?

    Jun 6, 11:38 AM
    Gee, do you have any idea how easy it is to click the wrong thing on an iPhone or iPod touch?

    They probably had one click enabled and the kid checked out the most expensive app and accidentally clicked buy.

    Can happen.

    In that case, why do the parents have one click enabled on a device that's used by an 11 year old... :p

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